Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Sorry I haven't been out to play for a while.

I've been up to my neck in life, and I'm not that good a swimmer.

I will be back.

Just when you think your life is a trial by fire, you hear of someone who is worse off than you are.

Tanis Miller is the author of one of my favorite blogs, Attack of the Redneck Mommy.

She writes about her life a the mother of two teenagers and a severely challenged son, as a grieving parent, and as a forty-something wife in B.F. Alberta. She writes with humour, insight, tongue in cheek and a brassiness that only reveals that she is real.

She shares all in the stories of her dead son, life in rural Canada, tribulations of adoption, and sometimes a little cheekiness. Some postings require proof of age.

She is enduring yet another unfathomable crisis, something I've never been through, and hope I never will.

Give her a read, and if you can, some compassion and support.

And remember,

...There but for grace..



Redneck Mommy said...

Aw, dude, thanks.

But for editorial clarification: I'm 34. Not forty something!! Ack! You are aging me prematurely! Only my husband and my kids are supposed to do that!


DJW said...

I stand corrected.

Arlene said...

Heading that way! Thanks for the tip :-D