Sunday, May 20, 2012

Again? Already?

 It's that time of the year again. 

Some people use New Years to reflect, I use my birthday.

My birthday traditionally falls on the Victoria Day long weekend. Here that means the un-official start to summer, parties, BBQ's, camping and fireworks.

When I was little, I thought they had fireworks just because it was my birthday.

When I was a younger, immortal man, it meant a weekend long camping party, the ones that movies are made of now.

A number of years ago, we went on a fruitless search of fireworks, and I was left feeling empty. That was near the time that the Old Man's health was deteriorating, and I was coming to grips with being a mere mortal.

Two years ago, My Darling Bride and several cohorts managed to pull off a surprise party on me. The first one I ever had.

This year, as I sat on the back patio listening to the fireworks going off around me, and thinking about the past year, I realize that all things considered, I'm pretty lucky.

Sure, I've got creaks and kinks that take an hour to work out every morning. A new health challenge, but it's not life threatening. Old health quirks that make life a little interesting, but that is just normal wear and tear as far as I'm concerned.

But the pluses outweigh the minuses.

I've been married for over twenty years to My Darling Bride who is also my best friend. (can you believe that? over 20!)

Thing One had her live debut last night, with much applause.

Thing Two has a steady job and is getting her feet under her.

Boy Thing has his life organized, if not his day.

I have a good job.

The yard is getting back in shape.

Project Bubble is coming along. (more on that later).

The bills are paid.

All in all, I'm pretty well off!

Cue the fireworks!

In honour of the anniversary of DJ's 29th birthday, 
Canadians may have a day off with pay...
...and fireworks.
You're welcome.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy belated Birthday. Counting your blessings and finding yourself with an abundance of them is the best birthday gift of all!