Thursday, June 25, 2009

More on Hard Decisions edited

Sorry, BLOGiste is a her, not a him.

A Blogger in Egypt picked up my Blog on Living Wills.

As he was writing a similar story, he asked if link to my Blog, which of course I agreed to.

His Blog, BLOGitse, is in Finnish I think, and seems to have generated a lot of response.

If you can read Finn, follow this link and read more.

I guess this just shows how small this planet has become, and how we all suffer the same trials.


This is cool, Bloggers Without Borders!


Rita A said...


I found your excellent blog through BLOGitse's post. Yes, she is a Finnish blogger (as am I), and she writes her posts both in English and in Finnish.

I like the introduction you have written on you sidebar, humorously presented. I refuse to believe that you're angry or grumpy, hah hah :D

BLOGitse said...

Hi DJ!
I can tell you what my screen name means...
BLOG is a blog in both languages, English and Finnish :)
'itse' is Finnish and it means self, myself
BUT as a word blogitse
means 'via blog'...

I could say 'KIRJEitse' = via or by letter (kirje = a letter, itse via/by)

Because BLOGitse has a double meaning I write it like that...
Have a nice weekend! :)
ps. yes, I'm she! :)