Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Um, what month is it, anyway?

It's August by my calendar.

I've used 2 vacation days since May. (and you thought civil servants had it easy) One of those was because my car broke down on the way to work.

I'm off next week and I am going to the beach. Its what you do in August.

I went to buy some beach toys tonight, they are fun to have at the beach in August.

I wanted some buckets and shovels so I could make sand castles at the beach in August.

I went to Buck-o-Rama and Dollar or Two to get stuff to play on the beach in August.

I found Hall-o-ween costumes and decorations.

A note to retailers...


On a more positive note...

...I'll be the only one with Dracula fangs and a fake axe in my head on the beach in August.


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