Wednesday, December 31, 2008

And Happy Thoughts For All...

Right about now you are either welcoming the New Year, reveling in the fresh start and new opportunities; or you are regretting the amount of reveling you did to bring it in.

Whichever column you fall under, take a minute today to count your blessings. However few you think they are, or however small you think they may be, count them anyway.

If you have more blessings than your neighbour, then share.

Didn't your Mom tell you to share?

Someone who needs more blessings is Caitlin.

For those of you unfamiliar with Caitlin's story, last Christmas the then four-year-old missed out while battling a rare childhood cancer. If you want to get up to speed, the links are here, here and here.

The good news is that she beat the Nephroblastoma, and that was against the odds.

The bad news is that late this fall Doctors found four more spots.

The part that really sucks is that this is two years in a row that she has missed out on much of the fun that four and five year old's should be having during this season.

Her spirit is strong, but at only five years old and less than thirty pounds, her body is weak. The good people at Sick Kids are doing everything they can.

About all we can do is think happy thoughts for her.

And hug each other a little stronger, a little longer.

Dunno if it will help, but it certainly can't hurt.

Happy New Year and Happy Thoughts to All!


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