Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Not my fault?


At what stage do we take it? When do we stop blaming others for all of our troubles and misadventures?

Are we all truly innocent victims in this game called life?

Are we so inept we cannot take control of our impulses?

Do we really need someone to tell us what to do every time a situation comes up that makes us think, makes us uncomfortable, makes us be responsible for our own actions?

A 14 year old Hamilton youth has been arrested for and admitted to stealing more than 90 cars since last summer. More than 90!!(http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/522925)
But, wait, his family has someone else to hold responsible for this behavior! It cannot possibly be his fault, he is the product of a broken marriage! The Catholic Childrens Aid Society let him down! The Police didn't work hard enough to find him every time he went AWOL from his foster care! And, how dare they?, the Police actually had the nerve to take him down at gunpoint after he tried to flee and ram cruisers to do so!

I understand he is only 14 years old
In fact, that alone scares me! If he is this prolific a thief already just what can society expect when he is considered an adult? I understand he is small in stature and may have had older friends pressuring him to steal. But he is 14. He is old enough to know stealing cars or anything that doesn't belong to him is wrong. He is old enough to pick better friends. He is old enough to try to work with the foster families and agencies that try to help him.

The family also should take some of the responsibility here, instead of pointing fingers. There are many many children and adults out there who are the product of broken marriages. They don't all go out and steal or otherwise break laws and then say "oh poor me". Are we as a society supposed to take this young man to court and pat him on the back and say "it's okay son, we understand your family broke up so we are going to let you go!"?

The Police do everything they can to provide us with a safe world to reside in. They spend small fortunes every year tracking down these kids who run away from group homes and foster care to return them only to have them take off again. It is a vicious cycle.

So, who do we blame? Is it not time to stand up and say, "Hey! Maybe, just maybe, we need to be responsible for our own actions!"?

Maybe, just maybe, we need to return a little bit of discipline to our children in their formative years?

Maybe, just maybe, we need to work a little bit harder at making sure they understand what is right and what is not?

Maybe, just maybe, we all need to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say, "Today I will not blame anyone else for anything that occurs in my life. I will be responsible for myself. I will not knowingly cause harm to another. I will be happy with what I have and not try to improve my situation by abusing another."

This posting was submitted by The Darling Bride, DJ is in no way responsible! for my thoughts or comments


DJW said...

Well said, M.D.B.!

I couldn't agree more!


Anonymous said...

Amen sistah!!
Please everyone copy this and put it everywhere, bulletin boards, blogs, in your kids backpacks, and maybe, just maybe, this world will stop encouraging people to blame others when they make a mess of their own lives.....and are unhappy with their lot in life.

Jane said...

Personally I think they should sue all makers of video games - especially Grand Theft Auto! Clearly this is their fault. Oh, and anyone who makes cars. 'cos if there weren't any cars he wouldn't be able to steal them!

Unknown said...

I totally agree!