Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Near Death Experience.

As I spend a great deal of my day on the side of the street or road, I get to meet many people.

I'm currently working near Milton, Ontario and I had a first time experience (for me, anyway) today.

Today I was face to face with Mr. Death.

Yes, I stared Mr. Death in the face, and it didn't scare me.

Mr. Death walked right up to me, and we had a pleasant chat.

He told me the corner near there was a death trap.

I told him I was there to help.

I was honest with him, so... (wait for it)... I didn't cheat Mr. Death.

As proof of my near death experience, I took a picture of Mr. Death's mailbox.

Even Mr. Death gets junkmail.


For more interesting real names, check out the Celebrated Names page on Randy Bachman's website.

1 comment:

Jane said... makes me wonder what the B.W. stands for.