Monday, September 14, 2009

Really Instant Karma

Here's a news item from The Toronto Sun I thought noteworthy...

A teen armed with a handgun holds up a variety store and robs the proprietor of his hard earned money. While fleeing he runs into the street and gets nailed by a car.

Here is the entire text of the story:

A teen who ran into the path of an on-coming car on Victoria Park Ave. after robbing a North York variety store has died from his injuries in hospital, police said yesterday.

Two young men, including the 17-year-old dead boy, were each armed with handguns when they robbed the R.J. Food Market Convenience, between Lawrence and Eglinton Aves., shortly after 8 p.m. Friday, Toronto Police said.

"Two young teenagers with masks and a gun, one guy with a handgun and the other, some kind of gun" came into the store, shopkeeper Hann Liu, 55, said yesterday.

He said one of the bandits jumped over the counter and grabbed "$150-something" from the till, but he's not absolutely sure.

The duo then fled out of the store, one into heavy traffic on Victoria Park, Liu said.

"So one car hit one guy," he said. "The gun...fell on the road and the police (came)," Liu said. He said he feels bad: "Safety is not very good here." Neither Liu or his wife, 53, were hurt during the heist.

The injured teen apparently suffered head injuries and was taken to Hospital for Sick Children.

The other suspect got away. A pistol was recovered at the scene. Police said although the investigation is continuing, no charges are anticipated against the motorist.

DJ only fear is that some Lawyer will get their slimy paws on this and sue the driver of the car!

Lets hear it for instant karma!


DJ thinks the best line from Judge Roy Bean is,

"Who the hell are you?"

"Justice, you sons of bitches!"


Anonymous said...

If this teen had already moved up to armed robbery at 17, he would have only gotten worse.
The car driver should get a rebate on his taxes for the money he saved us all for the lifetime of incarceration that this teen would have invarably had.

Anonymous said...

Nice to know the bad guys lose sometimes.
I feel for the driver of the car though.
Hope they can deal with the emotional fallout of an episode they were totally blameless in.

The Darling Bride

DJW said...

Amen Anon 1