Saturday, February 7, 2009

While The Mice Are Away....

...The cats will play!

He he he.

Lets set the mood, shall we...

Its a relaxingly warm winter afternoon.

Both kids are out. Till late.

My Darling Bride gives me that special look and motions to the living room.

I get her oh-so-subtle hint and break out the vinyl.

You heard right. Vinyl.

We have a vinyl fetish of sorts. > ;-)~

The Rumours that I'm a Supertramp on 52nd Street are all True.

For dinner, we will dine on Shaved Fish and American Pie.

Later, at The Turn of a Friendly Card, we'll head out to Honky Chateau for a Second Helping.

Nothing compares to the vinyl experience.

With a 10 disc changer in my car, I can drive to Montreal and half way back and not hear the same song twice. We have enough CD's in the house to start a small, eclectic radio station. And with four hard drives in the house, it is entirely possible we could play 24/7 for a few weeks.

But an LP was an experience. With only eighteen minutes a side, the artist had very little time to capture your imagination, draw you in and keep you there. While Sgt. Pepper's and Tommy were basically rock musicals cast in plastic, landmark theme albums like Aqualung broke the mold.

While CD's and mp3's may have sound superiority and durability over vinyl, what they do not have is art. Each LP had at least 2 square feet of canvass to work with, twice as much if it was a double or folded album, and the art was worth half the money.

Who didn't have Led Zep IV , Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, Queen's News of the World, Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell or Uriah Heep's Magicians Birthday on their bedroom wall. Lets not forget The Cars! Candy O and Heartbeat City were as good as swiping your Dad's old Playboy's, with cover art by the venerable Vargas of Playboy and Esquire fame.

I hear that vinyl is making a comeback, driven by DJ's and the want for house music, but alas, its not the same. Today they are just a collection of songs, concept albums like In Search of the Lost Chord, Ziggy Stardust and The Wall just don't come out anymore.

These are truly the Days of Future Passed for us Vinylphiles.

If you started reading this blog thinking it was about something naughty, I'm sorry for the Cheap Trick.


DJ admits to having 2 K-Tel ablums, e-mail to find out what.


Jane said...

Despite our house being a very very very fine house, we are currently musically challenged due to a couple of blown speakers. We have fairly recently discovered, however a means of burning vinyl onto CD that results in a superior recording to studio produced CDs - owing (I'm guessing) to the fact that our large collection of vinyl is in mostly pristine condition, while the master tapes have degraded over time. We do this to preserve the original while still enjoying the music in very close to its original glory.

Anonymous said...

I always thaught your fetish was DuctTape..lmao

Unknown said...

As a die hard fan of wordplay, I rather enjoyed this playful piece.