Thursday, July 30, 2009

Your Opinion Counts! Really! It's Talk Show Idol Time Again!

Before a Politician embarks on a campaign they usually commission a straw poll to gauge their possibilities.

That's what I'm doing here today.

AM900 CHML Radio in Hamilton is resurrecting it's 'Talk Show Idol' contest again.

Some of you may recall that I entered the first edition in 2007, and finished second overall.

Some may say that's a great achievement for a kid from the country.

Some may say that second place is the first loser.

Some may liken me to Justin Guarini.

In any case, since my first go round I started this Blog to hone my ranting skills, and as a way to express my opinion to all those who care to read it. Or not to read it.

I asked for some people to select a 'Best of IMAG' collection and here is what they came up with:
(click on the title to read the post)

So I throw it to you, folks.

Do I run again?

Or do I bask in my near success of the first run?

If I win, I can't promise a chicken in every pot, or no new taxes. But I will devote as much air time as I can to the various charities I've supported over the years.

...and I promise not to use the "N" word again.

DJ regrets and apologizes for using the word "Newfie" on the air.


Teri-Louise said...

I say go for it.

t1 said...

I literally saw this blog title and went "again?" in a sort of half groan.

But sure! Go for it.

Unknown said...

You were sooooooooooo close last time - why not!

Anonymous said...

Your the best ranter we know .So go for it and count on our vote!

June Cainey said...

I wasn't aware you entered the last time. After reading many of your Rants...I would vote for you in a heart beat. Rant Away Mr DJ.

Jane said...

You owe it to society, your queen and your country to try again. Or, you could do it because it's fun. Whichever...

Carrie said...

Yes, yes, and yes again......I loved it the last will be famous this time I'm sure of it!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go for it!!!

DJW said...